Throughout the ages, populations have sought to improve Humanity, to make it more efficient, better. But most earthlings did not view this research very favorably. Many scientists have tried to make humans immortal, but this was unsuccessful, until Dan White.
We are in 2060, Dan White created the first city on the Moon: Æterna. A city where none of the Earth’s laws have jurisdiction. It is a transhumanist city that puts technological and scientific advances at the heart of its concerns. Its inhabitants are optimized: they must carry out optimizations’ surgery to live in Æterna.
Throughout the ages, populations have sought to improve Humanity, to make it more efficient, better. But most earthlings did not view this research very favorably. Many scientists have tried to make humans immortal, but this was unsuccessful, until Dan White.
We are in 2060, Dan White created the first city on the Moon: Æterna. A city where none of the Earth’s laws have jurisdiction. It is a transhumanist city that puts technological and scientific advances at the heart of its concerns. Its inhabitants are optimized: they must carry out optimizations’ surgery to live in Æterna.
Art direction, Collaborative fictional project
Direction of photography, Photography, Video, Post-production, Concept writing
Art Direction: Claudia Marinho, Célia Baude, Victor Guegen
Styling: Matthieu Laroche, Cyrielle Courageux, Charotte Delrieux
Music: Maxime Mercle
Models: Lucas Caburet & Crystale Godefroy
Makeup: Laurie Marinho
Architecture: Gaëlle Colichet & Clotilde Ferry
Art direction, Collaborative fictional project
Direction of photography, Photography, Vide, Post-production, Concept writing
Art Direction: Claudia Marinho, Célia Baude, Victor Guegen
Styling: Matthieu Laroche, Cyrielle Courageux, Charotte Delrieux
Music: Maxime Mercle
Models: Lucas Caburet & Crystale Godefroy
Makeup: Laurie Marinho
Architecture: Gaëlle Colichet & Clotilde Ferry

- Become a Shaper: join Dan Whte’s team and you will be at the heart of the creative process of these new humans.
- You are wealthy enough to pay for the surgeries, come see us directly at the Optimizations Information Center.
- Become a Warrior: if you don’t recognize yourself in the two previous categories, we can make a hero of you! Become a Warrior for the arena of Æterna and your optimization surgeries will be paid by our production company.
- Become a Shaper: join Dan White’s team and you will be at the heart of the creative process of these new humans.
- You are wealthy enough to pay for the surgeries, come see us directly at the Optimizations Information Center.
- Become a Warrior: if you don’t recognize yourself in the two previous categories, we can make a hero of you! Become a Warrior for the arena of Æterna and your optimization surgeries will be paid by our production company.
Presentation website of Æterna. This is where you can submit a citizenship application.
Website dedicated to fights and betting.